Arguing about money is the last thing you want to do with your spouse. But although having a different opinion than your spouse about financial issues is perfectly normal. When talking about money turns into arguing about money, that can make building wealth impossible.
Even if you don’t argue about money but you struggle to agree on a strategy and can’t see a clear path forward – that is costing you big time!
The longer you go without a strategy, the more you miss out on intentional saving and investing. Which is why we want to help you stop arguing about money and learn to make better financial decisions together.
In this episode of the radmoney podcast we dig deep into:
- Disagreeing about how money should be used.
- Battling different money management styles
- Struggling to agree on your top priority
- How to stop arguing about money and what to focus on instead.
Check out the Cash Flow Freedom Framework – Break the paycheck to paycheck cycle and start paying off debt fast!
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This blog is based on an episode of the radmoney podcast on the same topic. Catch up on recent episodes of the radmoney finance podcast and make sure you never miss an episode by subscribing on Spotify – Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts!