Are you budgeting for your beer money? Think of what you could do with the money you spend on vices. Talking about personal vices, like how much we drink, is taboo enough. But asking someone how much they spend on their drinking? That's a whole 'nother level of real...
Financial Wellness
Radmoney is a personal finance podcast
Be Better with Money Without a Budget
YES - you can be better with money and improve money management skills, without using a budget! Budgets can feel restrictive, or downright intimidating for a lot of people. So if you feel some resistance to the idea of starting to budget - this episode is a great...
How to Manage Money as a Married Couple
"How to Manage Money as a Married Couple?" - the one massive question all of us married folks don't even realize we're asking ourselves! It's the overarching th How do you talk to your spouse about money (without having an argument)? How can you both get on the same...
Time is Money
We’ve all heard the saying “Time is Money” but what about how that saying impacts our money mindset and how we manage both our time and our money. In what ways does this push the narrative of hyper-productivity? Is there a healthier way to view the value of our time?
Setting Powerful Financial Goals (Step-by-Step)
An important step towards achieving your dreams, is turning them into goals – many of which are financial goals. For instance – home ownership is both a life event and one of the biggest financial investments you will make in your entire life. Learn how to set goals that work here!
Investing in Your Relationship
When we were working on reaching Financial Freedom, we found that investing in our relationship was just as important as paying off debt. We were intentional and invested time, energy and money into our relationship.
Our Favorite Budget Date Ideas
Date night on a budget doesn’t have to be a bummer. Our favorite budget date ideas for couples who want to work together, save money and improve their finances! You will want to save this!
Should You Work With a Financial Coach?
Trying to decide if you should work with a Financial Coach? Take this quiz and find out if Financial Coaching is right for you!
Vision Boards for Financial Goals
You need a Vision Board for your Financial Goals in 2023! Learn how they help you reach your goals, why you need one and how to create yours.
Money Mantras for an Abundance Mindset
Learn what a Money Mantra is and how it helps overcome limiting beliefs, cultivate a healthy money mindset and start improving your finances!