
Radmoney is a personal finance podcast

Different Money Mindsets in Marriage

Different Money Mindsets in Marriage

Do you and your spouse struggle to see eye-to-eye when it comes to how you manage your money? Have you ever wondered why your husband or wife uses money the way they do? It may be an issue of having a different money mindset than your spouse! For us, our different...

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Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Have you ever asked yourself “Can money buy happiness?” The answer is not straightforward. We explore money and it’s impact on our happiness! It’s common to think “I’d be happy if I just had more money!” and while that is somewhat true, studies show that it’s only up to a point that money has a significant impact on our happiness.

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Financial Challenges for Millennials

Financial Challenges for Millennials

If you want to improve your finances, you need to recognize what is holding you back. It might surprise you that these challenges have little to do with the amount of money you make or your family’s financial background. Instead, they all start and end with you and your mindset.

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