Spring clean your finances and take advantage of the extra energy this time of year to take control of your financial health. Now is the perfect time to check-in on your progress and adjust your strategy to get the results you really want! It's time to get organized,...
Financial Coach
Radmoney is a personal finance podcast
Our Least Favorite Budgeting Trends
The internet is full of fin-fluencers and finance gurus who love to tell you how you should manage your money. But if you’ve ever tried these budgeting trends and felt like they just didn’t deliver – you're not alone. In this episode we talk about 4 budgeting...
What is Good and Bad Debt?
You have probably heard of different types of debt described as “Good” or “Bad”, but what does that really mean and how does it impact your financial decisions? What is meant when people say “Good or Bad Debt” We took the time to break down and expose the flaws of...
This One Thing is Killing Your Cash Flow
If left unchecked, this habit will chew through your income incredibly fast and without you even realizing. At the end of the month you’ll be left wondering where all your money went! So what is this cash flow killer?
Do Women Need Different Financial Advice?
As champions for women’s financial empowerment, we have worked to understand why some people say that women need unique financial advice. Both for our clients and our own edification. In this podcast adn blog, we explore the concepts and reveal what we have found to be true.
6 ways to save money in the New Year
One of the most popular New Year resolutions is to save more money in the New Year. Here are 6 ways you can reach that goal.
The Differences Between a Financial Coach and Financial Advisor
What is the difference between a Financial Coach and a Financial Advisor? Learn the key differences so you can decide who to work with.
5 Money Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make
Small mistakes add up over time, especially when it comes to your money. Here are 5 common mistakes we see as Financial Coaches and how to avoid making them yourself.
Money Management during COVID-19
What to do, so you can protect your money and financial well-being.