Spring clean your finances and take advantage of the extra energy this time of year to take control of your financial health. Now is the perfect time to check-in on your progress and adjust your strategy to get the results you really want! It's time to get organized,...
Financial Goals
Radmoney is a personal finance podcast
7 Excuses Keeping You From Financial Freedom
We all make excuses. It’s in our nature. But when you have a habit of making excuses for why you aren’t able to reach Financial Freedom - - you remain stuck, exactly where you are. Which is why we wanted to expose seven common excuses, and if you’re making one...
Master These 3 Habits if You Want to be Financially Independent
Do you want to be Financially Independent but aren't sure what to focus on? After listening to this episode - you will never think of money management the same way again! We've distilled every financial tip and piece of advice out there down to these 3 critical...
How to Manage Money as a Married Couple
"How to Manage Money as a Married Couple?" - the one massive question all of us married folks don't even realize we're asking ourselves! It's the overarching th How do you talk to your spouse about money (without having an argument)? How can you both get on the same...
Do Women Need Different Financial Advice?
As champions for women’s financial empowerment, we have worked to understand why some people say that women need unique financial advice. Both for our clients and our own edification. In this podcast adn blog, we explore the concepts and reveal what we have found to be true.
Annual Budgets – Why You Need One and How To Get Started
An annual budget is a helpful tool as you work toward Financial Independence. Learn why you need one and how to start planning yours!
Should You Work With a Financial Coach?
Trying to decide if you should work with a Financial Coach? Take this quiz and find out if Financial Coaching is right for you!
How to Find the Perfect Financial Coach for You
To find the right Financial Coach for you, there are a lot of things you need to consider. Here are our thoughts on finding the perfect fit.
How to Improve your Finances – Even in a Recession
There are many things you can do to improve your finances, even in a recession! Don’t make the mistake of waiting for the economy to recover.
Managing Money as a Couple
Managing money as a couple can be challenging to navigate. Which is why we’re sharing our story, and professional advice, for other couples.