finance podcast

Radmoney is a personal finance podcast

6 Strategies to Increase Cash Flow

6 Strategies to Increase Cash Flow

This week we’re talking about our favorite topic - Cash Flow! We’re sharing 6 strategies to help you increase your Cash Flow. Breaking down 3 ways to decrease your expenses + 3 ways to increase your income. And since we’ve personally used all 6 of these strategies we...

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Different Money Mindsets in Marriage

Different Money Mindsets in Marriage

Do you and your spouse struggle to see eye-to-eye when it comes to how you manage your money? Have you ever wondered why your husband or wife uses money the way they do? It may be an issue of having a different money mindset than your spouse! For us, our different...

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This is The Best Budgeting App

This is The Best Budgeting App

It' can be easy to think that the solution to your budgeting woes lies with using the best budgeting app. While there definitely are some budgeting apps that are better than others. The best budgeting app is the one that you commit to using. Finding The Best Budgeting...

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Our Least Favorite Budgeting Trends

Our Least Favorite Budgeting Trends

The internet is full of fin-fluencers and finance gurus who love to tell you how you should manage your money.  But if you’ve ever tried these budgeting trends and felt like they just didn’t deliver –  you're not alone.  In this episode we talk about 4 budgeting...

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What is Good and Bad Debt?

What is Good and Bad Debt?

You have probably heard of different types of debt described as “Good” or “Bad”, but what does that really mean and how does it impact your financial decisions? What is meant when people say “Good or Bad Debt” We took the time to break down and expose the flaws of...

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